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HKS FCD Standard Type Контроллер топливной отсечки

Артикул: FCD-HKS-STD
Наличие: Есть в наличии
4 599 р.
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Обманка штатного мозга HKS FCD тип STD, описание

HKS FCD снимает отсечку по топливу при повышении давления в турбосистеме при штатном ЭБУ. Может работать как на штатном мозге так и на тюнинг вариантах. 

Для турбо авто нужная вещь.

Устройство универсальное, поэтому подходит на любой турбо авто.

СКАЧАТЬ инструкцию по подключению HKS FCD

Описание на английском:

HKS FCD Fuel Cut Controllers.
The HKS FCD is an electronic device developed to properly raise the factory fuel cut level, on factory turbocharged vehicles, to a safe and higher predetermined point. As modifications such as intakes and exhausts are made to optimize engine performance along with utilizing a boost controller to further raise boost levels, the conservative factory fuel cut is often triggered by the higher boost levels which activates a fuel delivery cut off as a failsafe procedure. Symptoms of fuel cut are often expresses as hesitation, bogging, and/or illumination of diagnostic indicators. With the integration of HKS fuel controllers, or in certain cases where the factory fuel curves are very aggressive, an application specific amount of additional boost above factory preset levels can be accommodated. The electronic signal from the FCD will raise the fuel cut level to accommodate for the additional boost without triggering fuel cut and/or an engine diagnostic light. The FCD installation is designed as a simple integration on to the VPC/F-CON or factory ECU harness.

Warning: Due to the nature of this product, higher than recommended or unsafe boost levels may be attained by the installation and use of the FCD. This may result in severe damage to the vehicles engine or other mechanical parts. We strongly suggest a fuel supplement system or consulting a trained technician before the purchase and use of the FCD.


Бренд: HKS
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